Since its inception in 1924, the U.S. Border Patrol has relied on a unique and resilient team of agents to patrol America’s vast and rugged borders—the Horse Patrol. The “Ride For The Brand” t-shirt by 1924 Outfitters pays tribute to these legendary riders who have become an enduring symbol of the agency’s history and dedication.
The Horse Patrol was among the first specialized units formed within the Border Patrol, dating back to the early days of the agency when rugged terrain and limited infrastructure made horseback patrols the most effective means of securing the border. These agents, often referred to as the "Mounted Watchmen," covered vast, remote areas that were otherwise inaccessible. Through deserts, mountains, and rivers, the Horse Patrol became the eyes and ears of the U.S. Border Patrol, blending time-honored traditions with modern tactics.
Our "Ride For The Brand" t-shirt captures this legacy with a stunning depiction of an old-school Horse Patrol agent, riding hard with the American flag flying proudly in the background. The design embodies the spirit of the early Horse Patrol agents—men who lived by a code of loyalty, integrity, and commitment. They rode not just for their job but for a brand and an ideal that represented safeguarding the nation’s borders and the American way of life.
Today, the Horse Patrol remains an active and vital part of the Border Patrol’s operations, patrolling areas that vehicles still cannot reach. The tradition continues, and this shirt is our homage to those who have ridden and continue to ride for the brand.
Show your appreciation for their legacy and wear it proudly. When you wear this t-shirt, you’re not just wearing a piece of clothing—you’re wearing a piece of history.